Artificial Lavender Flower Arrangements

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Artificial Lavender Flower Arrangements

Artificial Lavender Flower Arrangements

You can use artificial lavender flower arrangements to brighten up your decor – you can also use for weddings and parties.

The flower’s Latin name is Lavandula angustifolia and sometimes called true lavender or English lavender. Silky Flower Store supplies in bundles, large lavender flower arrangements, small arrangements bouquets, silk flower table centerpieces, and much more. Note if UV protection can be used outdoors.

You will find these silk flowers wonderfully realistic and modern – it will add a zing to any room.

We are sure you will enjoy the big range we have of say fake lavender flower bouquet – along with our great prices, fast delivery and of course excellent quality.

Do not forget to consider using in your office, not just your home or wedding like in a faux flower boutonnieres. Think lifting your office reception area to give that all-important first impression to your clients. Always check out the products on Sale – look for the word in the top left-hand corner of the images. Do not forget, you can have an artificial lavender bouquet. 

Care of Silk Flowers

One of the many benefits of investing in silk plants is that they are low maintenance compared to silk. An increasing number of high-quality silk flower arrangements, silk trees and silk plant leaves and fake wedding petals now have a dust-repellent coating to ensure that they are kept clean as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Just a quick spritz of silk flower cleaner once a month will keep them vibrant and beautiful. But if your current plants and silk flower arrangements are not treated, here are some time-saving tips to keep your investment in top shape.
Spray a feather duster or high-speed duster with or a dusting spray and gently rub each branch, petal and leaf. Doing this regularly can completely prevent large amounts of build-up.

For silk flower arrangements and plants that accumulate heavy soil, such as those near the kitchen or in the kitchen, take the plants outside (weather permitting) or for indoor showering once a season. Before rinsing, apply plain green or Windex to the leaves and petals to restore the original vitality of the silk flower arrangement or plants. For faster drying, wrap the pot in plastic and make sure the bottom is not submerged in water.

If your silk flower arrangement is small, you can easily place part of the flower arrangement in a paper bag with a cup of table salt. Shake it well for up to 60 seconds, then open the bag and continue shaking to get as much salt back into the paper bag as possible. When you’re done, wipe the salt stains off the vase with a dry cloth and glass cleaner.

Blowing your silk flower arrangement with a compressor blower, hair dryer, or even an aerosol can is not recommended as it will simply blow the dust and dirt in hundreds of other directions and destroy your shape and arrangement.

Dust easily and quickly once a month for easy cleaning. This will help you avoid deep cleaning. The next time you shop for silk flower arrangements, be sure to choose pre-treated, dust-proof items.

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